wolfgang m. wieland

Nature in the world-order was fitted together
out of unlimiteds and limiters,
both the whole world-order
and all the things in it.
Philolaus of Croton, On Nature

Welcome to my personal website. My name is Wolfgang Martin Wieland. I am a theoretical physicist and researcher at IQG Erlangen Nuremberg.

My main research interests are in general relativity and quantum gravity. Research programme on quasi-local observables, quantum geometry of the null cone, quasi-local quantisation of the gravitational field, spin structure of quantum spacetime, spinfoams, quantum reference frames, topological field theories and the relationship between the loop gravity and twistor approaches to quantum gravity. Under-graduate studies in Austria (Innsbruck and Vienna), PhD from France (Marseille), postdocs in Europe, Canada and the U.S.A. Thesis prize from Aix-Marseille University in 2014. Invited speaker and invited plenary speaker at various international conferences. Bronstein Prize for research in Loop Quantum Gravity in 2019. Heisenberg Fellow (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) since 2024.

If you would like to contact me, please use the following address:
wolfgang [dot] wieland [at] fau [dot] de

Academic Positions:

starting 09-2024
Heisenberg Fellow (DFG, German Research Foundation) at IQG
Institute for Quantum Gravity
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany)
04-2024 to 08-2024
Postdoc at IQG
Institute for Quantum Gravity
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany)
10-2023 to 03-2024
Visiting professor (Vertretungsprofessur*) at IQG
Institute for Quantum Gravity
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany)
01-2023 to 09-2023
Postdoc at IQG
Institute for Quantum Gravity
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany)
09-2020 to 12-2022
Postdoc at IQOQI
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (Vienna, Austria)
09-2015 to 08-2020
Postdoc at PI
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo ON, Canada)
09-2013 to 08-2015
Postdoc at IGC
Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos
Pennsylvania State University (State College PA, U.S.A.)
09-2010 to 08-2013
PhD Student (contrat doctoral) at CPT
thesis available at hal.science
Centre de Physique Théorique
Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille, France)

Fellowships and Awards:

DFG Heisenberg Fellow
Admission into the DFG Heisenberg programme (June 2024).
Bronstein Prize 2019
“For his exceptional creativity and independence, and for deep insights into spinorial and twistorial methods that led to new perspectives for the spinfoam formalism.”
GERG Editors’ Choice
The article “Quasi-local gravitational angular momentum and centre of mass from generalised Witten equations” appeared as an Editors' Choice in General Relativity and Gravitation.
Prix de Thèse 2014
Thesis prize from Aix-Marseille University.
CQG Highlights
The paper “Twistorial phase space for complex Ashtekar variables” was selected by the Editorial Board of Classical and Quantum Gravity as one of the highlights of 2011–2012.
Pro Scientia Fellowship
Scholarship from Austrian academic foundation Pro Scientia from March 2009 until February 2012.

Other background:

2003 to 2009
Diploma studies of physics
University of Innsbruck, University of Vienna, Vienna University of Technology
2002 to 2003
Austrian Army (StbB6, 8 months)

More information:

*Temporary position created under Art. 66 Abs. 10 BayHIG.